Christmas Bouquet


Our florists will create a beautiful bouquet of seasonal flowers & foliage from what is  available to us on the day.

When your order is being fulfilled the florists will create a beautiful bouquet using the flowers that look their very best on that day.
With the expert knowledge and appreciation of all the flowers available to us, our florists are known for their creativity and choosing this bouquet enables them to select the best flowers on any given day and combine them in a way that is unique and wonderfully expressive.

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The photograph here is an example – but your bouquet will include the best of the day’s flowers, foliage and herbs. Let us choose your flowers and create a bouquet with a scent and beauty that will linger in the memory.

All the flowers and foliage will be Hand-tied by our expert florists, all bouquets are available for next day delivery throughout Waterford.
Simply Select a Value to place your order.

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€60, €70, €80, €100

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